Obese People Are at a Higher Risk of Covid 19?

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COVID-19 is now a pandemic affecting many countries globally. The recent study states that people with obesity are more likely than normal-weight people to have other diseases that are independent risk factors for severe COVID-19, including heart disease, lung disease, and diabetes. They are also prone to metabolic syndrome, in which blood sugar levels, fat levels, or both are unhealthy and blood pressure may be high. Below are few reasons to substantiate

1) Mechanical compression: Covid 19 virus affects many organs, but the worst and most affected are the lungs. Obesity causes substantial changes to the mechanics of the lungs and chest wall, leading to mechanical compression of the diaphragm, lungs, and chest cavity, which can lead to restrictive lung (pulmonary) damage. These changes lead to difficulty in breathing called dyspnoea, which initially is only on exertion, but in later stages leads to heavy breathing even at rest. This makes them more prone to contract the Covid virus.

2) Obesity is associated with impaired immunity

3)Chronic inflammation: Excess adiposity is also associated with increased production of inflammatory cytokines causing a continuous state of inflammation in an obese person, including lung tissue inflammation and more tendency to develop Covid 19

4) Insulin resistance and diabetes: It is seen that diabetics are more affected by the Covid 19
virus. Obesity leads to insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. Insulin is a critical regulator of many cellular pathways. This is another reason which makes the obese mote prone to develop the Covid 19 infection

5) Vascular damage and clotting: Increase in circulating free fatty acids are seen in obesity. Also, the chronic inflammatory state seen in obesity damages the endothelium of blood vessels. Both these factors lead to an increased tendency for blood clotting in the vessels of obese people. This superadds to the increased clotting seen in Covid 19 disease, making the obese more prone to contract Covid 19 viruses.

6) Leptin: Increased levels of leptin are seen in obese patients. High levels of Leptin are
associated with an increase in pulmonary inflammation, which again predisposes the obese to Covid 19 virus

For obese people, once they develop corona infection, it is very difficult to treat them because of the reduced and restricted lung function It is easier and safer to treat obesity rather than to treat an obese person affected by the Covid 19 virus.

A troubling connection between two health crises: coronavirus and obesity have been explored in a novel review of COVID-19 studies. To summarize, obesity is a major risk factor to develop corona infection. Obese people once they develop corona infection, it is very difficult to treat them because of the reduced and restricted lung function. Obesity s treatable, whatever be the severity of obesity. It is easier and safer to treat obesity rather than to treat an obese person affected by the covid 19 virus. Prevention is better than cure. It is absolutely safe to get morbid obesity treated even at TODs. To know more about the Obesity surgery please Contact with Dr.Tulip who as 18+years of experience and awarded as Surgeon of Excellence" in Bariatric and Metabolic surgery

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Dr. Tulip

Dr. Tulip is an advanced laparoscopic and Bariatric surgeon practicing in Bangalore at TODS- Dr. Tulips Obesity and Diabetes Surgery Centre

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