Sleeve Gastrectomy

Sleeve Gastrectomy in Bangalore

About Sleeve Gastrectomy

Sleeve Gastrectomy surgery is an innovative surgery that came up as the first step to a two-stage procedure for weight loss surgery in super-obese patients. But the gastric sleeve is now performed as a standalone procedure for weight loss wherein the stomach is stapled vertically to create a long gastric tube having a volume of approx. 60-80 ml and the resected part of the stomach is removed from the body. 

Thus, two things are achieved by laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy surgery in Bangalore, first being the reduction in the intake of food, secondly, we get rid of the hunger hormone called ghrelin, the majority of which is secreted from the fundus of the stomach which is resected.

Ghrelin is a hunger hormone and a prediabetic hormone and hence, this weight loss surgery in Bangalore can also offer remission of Diabetes in early diabetics with good levels of C peptide. Sleeve Gastrectomy in Bangalore is picking up momentum with obesity on the rise in the younger age groups. The benefits in terms of weight loss & diabetes remission weigh far more than the Cost of Sleeve Gastrectomy in Bangalore.

Sleeve gastrectomy in Bangalore is the surgery of choice when weight loss is being considered in teenagers. In the young obese group wherein weight loss is quickly followed by marriage and pregnancy gastric sleeve is the procedure of choice. Considering BMI, Sleeve gastrectomy will be giving the best results when it is done in a person with a BMI of not more than 40 to 45.

Gastric sleeve has not shown good results in patients having reflux and hence should be avoided in such patients. A Bariatric surgeon can decide on the size of the sleeve based on the size of the calibration tube used – a loose or a tight sleeve. However, one must take care not to get too touchy about the size, as too tight a sleeve might cause severe discomfort, and to lose a sleeve may cause incomplete weight loss.

Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy is also the bariatric surgery or weight loss surgery chosen in patients who have undergone previous small intestinal surgery. Sleeve gastrectomy will give good results for diabetes remission in those patients who are obese, and obesity is the main reason behind the development of Type 2 DM (Type 2 Diabetes). However, its long terms results are still to be seen. However, if there is a strong history of Type 2 diabetes, then the gastric bypass would any day be the surgery of choice in the obese diabetics.

The sleeve surgery is a high-pressure system, suturing the staple line is a safe thing to do to avoid complications. Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy can be combined with laparoscopic cholecystectomy if the patient is detected to have gall bladder stones along with obesity and this is quite common. Similarly, hysterectomy (uterus removal) and ovarian cystectomy can also be combined with the gastric sleeve surgery.

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