Ileal interposition

About Ileal Interposition For Type 2 Diabetes


This is a novel procedure where a segment of the distal ileum (small intestine) is interposed between the upper part of the jejunum or joined directly to the duodenum.

The insulin resistance hormones, Ghrelin (stomach), GIP (duodenum) and glucagon (pancreas), are secreted from the initial parts of the digestive system and the insulin sensitivity hormone, called GLP-1, is released from the L cells in the last part of the intestine.

Our Blogs
Overcoming Challenges: Fertility Treatments for Men with Diabetes

Diabetes can significantly affect a man’s reproductive health. By understanding these challenges and exploring effective treatment options, men can improve their chances of conception. This blog discusses the connection between diabetes and male fertility, reviews available treatments, and provides tips for enhancing fertility outcomes.

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