National Girl Child Day

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The National Girl Child Day started in 2008 initiated by the Ministry of Woman and Child Development India. It is celebrated all over the country on the 24th of January. The week from 24.01.2021 to 30.01.2021 is celebrated as the National Girl Child Week.

The main highlights of this day are as follows:

1 To erase the inequality faced by a girl in life.
2. To bring awareness to the people about the importance, the education, nutrition, and health of a girl child.
3. To ensure they get human rights, respect, education, and equal work opportunities and status in all spheres of life to develop the country as a whole.

Rights of a Girl Child in India:

1. The government has abolished the sex detection of a child during pregnancy.
2. The government has abolished the child marriages of the girl child.
3. The government has made antenatal care mandatory for all women to fight malnutrition causing infant mortality, poverty, and illiteracy.
4. The government has introduced free education for both the boy and the girl child up to the age of 14 years to avoid discrimination of sex and uplift the girl child.
5. The government has introduced specific laws, The Anti-Sati Law and The Anti-MTP Law, to benefit women in getting employed and building up their status in society.
6. To protect the girl child, the government has introduced a scheme by the name, SAVE THE GIRL CHILD.


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Dr. Tulip

Dr. Tulip is an advanced laparoscopic and Bariatric surgeon practicing in Bangalore at TODS- Dr. Tulips Obesity and Diabetes Surgery Centre

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