weight loss

Gastric bypass surgery

Gastric bypass maintains weight loss and diabetes remission over 15 years, study shows

A recent study shows gastric bypass surgery leads to significant weight loss and sustained diabetes remission for over 15 years. This research highlights the long-term benefits of the procedure, offering hope for those battling obesity and type 2 diabetes. Discover the implications for long-term health management.

Gastric bypass maintains weight loss and diabetes remission over 15 years, study shows Read More »

Gastric Bypass for Obesity: Mechanisms of Weight Loss and Diabetes Resolution

Obesity is now a global pandemic that continues to accelerate despite the often Herculean efforts by afflicted individuals to lose weight. These efforts are thwarted by a physiological system that regulates body weight in a manner analogous to that by which a thermostat controls ambient temperature. For each individual, there is a highly genetically influenced

Gastric Bypass for Obesity: Mechanisms of Weight Loss and Diabetes Resolution Read More »

Increase Your Brown Fat to Maintain a Healthy Body Weight

Body “fat” overall gets a bad reputation, especially visceral fat that is known to increase the risk for health problems like diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Few of us would ever want to purposefully increase our fat stores, considering “excess dysfunctional adipose tissue” (extra fat!) is considered a major risk factor for dozens of diseases from

Increase Your Brown Fat to Maintain a Healthy Body Weight Read More »