Gastric Bypass Surgery

Gastric bypass surgery

Gastric bypass maintains weight loss and diabetes remission over 15 years, study shows

A recent study shows gastric bypass surgery leads to significant weight loss and sustained diabetes remission for over 15 years. This research highlights the long-term benefits of the procedure, offering hope for those battling obesity and type 2 diabetes. Discover the implications for long-term health management.

Gastric bypass maintains weight loss and diabetes remission over 15 years, study shows Read More »

Gastric Bypass for Obesity: Mechanisms of Weight Loss and Diabetes Resolution

Obesity is now a global pandemic that continues to accelerate despite the often Herculean efforts by afflicted individuals to lose weight. These efforts are thwarted by a physiological system that regulates body weight in a manner analogous to that by which a thermostat controls ambient temperature. For each individual, there is a highly genetically influenced

Gastric Bypass for Obesity: Mechanisms of Weight Loss and Diabetes Resolution Read More »