Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric Surgery and Mental Health: Bariatric Surgery and Mental Health: Discuss the emotional journey of weight loss surgery and how to manage emotional well-being.

Bariatric Surgery and Mental Health: Discuss the emotional journey of weight loss surgery and how to manage emotional well-being.

Weight loss surgery, also called bariatric surgery, changes your life in many ways, not just physically. While the surgery itself helps you lose weight, taking care of your mental health is just as important during this journey.

Bariatric Surgery and Mental Health: Discuss the emotional journey of weight loss surgery and how to manage emotional well-being. Read More »

Bariatric Surgery

Shedding Pounds and Gaining Health: Understanding Different Bariatric Procedures

Battling weight and its health woes? Bariatric surgery could be your key to lasting change. Explore different procedures here – from how they work to how they can help you shed pounds, manage health issues, and live a healthier you!

Shedding Pounds and Gaining Health: Understanding Different Bariatric Procedures Read More »

Growing number of women are having weight-loss surgery to help infertility issues: doctors

A growing number of women struggling to have a baby are going under the knife and getting weight-loss surgery to boost their fertility. While some doctors are wary, one Manhattan surgeon says 15% of his female patients choose bariatric surgery because they’re hoping to get pregnant. “In Manhattan, the classic stereotype of women who are

Growing number of women are having weight-loss surgery to help infertility issues: doctors Read More »