Sprouts, Blue Berry and Green Apple Salad(Weight Loss by following Keto Recipe)

Blue berries provide outstanding health benefits. They are low in calories but high in nutrients. Blue berries are the king of anti oxidant foods. They help reduce DNA damage which helps protect against effects of aging and cancer. They are good for heart health.

Ingredients:Sprouts-200grams; Orange-1; Green Apple – Half; Blue berries-50 grams; Boiled Ground nuts-10 grams; Boiled Ground nut – 5 grams; Pinch of salt & white pepper as per individual taste

Step 1: Wash the fruits and peel the outer skin of orange and make thick slices.
Step 2: Cut the green apple into thick slices and make a bed of sprouts on the plate.
Step 3: Decorate with the blue berries. Sprinkle salt and white pepper as per taste.

NutritionalValues: Calories: 753.00, Carbohydrates: 124.6, Protein: 34.2, Saturated fat: 0.6, Unsaturated fat: 4.3, Total fat: 4.9, Fibre: 43

Sprouts Blue berry and Green Apple Salad
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