Fresh Peas and Egg Pudding Salad(Weight Loss by following Keto Recipe)

Egg has highest quality protein .Bio availability of egg protein is high. Improves the good cholesterol which gives good heart health. Vitamin D (82% of daily requirement ) , B12 (10% of daily requirement ) and folate (50% of daily requirement )can be fulfilled . Egg is loaded with 13 essential vitamins and minerals. It contains omega 3 fatty acids and anti oxidents, which removes toxins from the body and boosts immunity.

Ingredients:Fresh Peas- 100 grams; Carrot-100 grams; Butter- 10 grams; Egg-1; Coconut milk-150ml; 1-2 drops of lemon juice; Salt and white pepper optional and as per individual taste; Oregano- 2 grams

1: Steam the carrot and green peas for 5 to 6 minutes and shallow fry in butter..
Step 2: Mix the beaten egg, coconut milk, salt, pepper and oregano. Double boil the content for 10-12 minutes till it gets solidified. Let it cool and then cut into cubes
Step 3: Mix all the ingredients with the egg pudding . Sprinkle lemon juice, salt and pepper as per taste.

NutritionalValues: Calories: 365.67; Carbohydrates: 29.5; Protein: 15.8; Saturated Fat: 28.2; Unsaturated Fat:11.8; Total Fat: 40; Fibre: 10.3

Green Peas and Egg pudding salad
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