Drinking White Tea For Weight Loss

White tea is made from the sun-dried leaves and the buds of Camellia sinensis. This is the same plant that also produces other kinds of tea like green or back tea. This tea is the least processed and is harvested when extremely young, and hence has a distinctive flavor and more properties.

It is light and sweet in taste. 28 milligrams of caffeine is present in 236ml cup of white tea. Obesity has been on the rise and now it is considered a global epidemic. Obesity not only comes alone but brings with it a host of other health-related conditions. So the best thing that can be done is to reduce weight. It can be done by exercise, diet, treatment, or a combination of both. If everything fails, one can approach a Best Bariatric Surgeon to get a weight loss surgery.

White tea has major Fat burning properties, improves metabolism, and aids weight loss. In a German study it was found that drinking white tea helps in losing weight by burning the existing fat cells and by preventing the formation of new fat cells. The antioxidant properties of the tea also aid in the process of weight loss. It is also found that Tea catechins in white tea have antiangiogenic properties that may prevent obesity.

Apart for weight loss, white tea helps with other conditions like treatment of diabetes, improving skin, hair health, treating acne & anti-aging properties, reducing inflammation & improving digestion, helping treat cancer, improving the health of liver and kidneys, reproductive health, healthy heart, improving memory, can help in hypothyroidism, and improving oral health & teeth. For people who are obese, or people who have already undergone weight loss surgery consult a bariatric surgeon before including this in your diet. 



Picture of Dr. Tulip

Dr. Tulip

Dr. Tulip is an advanced laparoscopic and Bariatric surgeon practicing in Bangalore at TODS- Dr. Tulips Obesity and Diabetes Surgery Centre

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D.s Suma
D.s Suma
DR.Tulip madam and Kavitha madam were amazing I Had a gastric bypass surgery last month I reduced 10 kgs of weight much more to go I started my second life with this Iam very grateful to dr. Tulip
Sai kiran Reddy
Sai kiran Reddy
After trying for a baby for 7 long years, bariatric surgery helped me. I conceived a year ago and and am a proud mother after shedding 30 kilos
Sankarsh rakesh
Sankarsh rakesh
Huge tummy sagging I had. Confused to do lipo or tummy tuck. Finally did tummy tuck , have flat tummy I dreamed. . Thanks to Dr Tulip and team.
Mahadev Prasad S
Mahadev Prasad S
Lost 20kgs in 4 months for wedding , but also regained 4kgs within 2 months. What doctor told is right only. I should have done Stapler surgery
Anuradha Suryakanth
Anuradha Suryakanth
Gastric bypass, a very wonderful surgery that my uncle underwent. I could notvsee him suffer, his diabetes was uncontrolled, he could not sleep without a CPap machine , breathless after taking few steps. But 4 months since surgery, he has lost 32 kgs, insulin has stopped, only one diabetes medicine he is taking. He no longer uses CPAP machine. He has become positive once again. Thanks to Dr Tulip and team for all the guidance before, during and after surgery. My uncle is in safe hands
Aryan Vishnu
Aryan Vishnu
10 minutes and swalow balon done. I have no discomfort and tummy feeling full. Nevery knew it was really so smooth. Hope I lose 17kgs.
Fusion Flow
Fusion Flow
After 2 years of gastric bypass surgery, I am still maintaining my weight of 69kgs. Before I was 157kgs with knee pains, breathing difficulty, diabetes, blood pressure. Now not taking any diabetes, bp treatment. I walk 5kms every day.
I was happy with my consultation with Dr Tulip which was for 45min. I am clear which procedure to choose.